Jesus Christ

The name Bill Cosby thought was his growing up. He thought his brothers name was "God Dammit". According to Cosby's classic stand-up routine, his father would always yell at him and his brother. Something like: "Jesus Christ, it's raining, get in here. God Dammit, you get in here too.". But then one day he was playing in the yard alone and his father called him: "God Dammit, quit making such a racket!" Bill just stood there looking around for his brother. "God Dammit didn't you hear me?" yelled his father to which Bill replied, "But dad, I'm Jesus Christ!"
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Jesus Christ. Some of the top words include: dingis, computar, skid, Douche Bag, chiznack, and 25 more.